The family CATRIM includes 5 models of machines equipped with the latest technology to measure three-dimensional coordinates CMM and Computerized Numerical Control. They constitute a complete system of metrology systems using CAD/CAM/CNC/SPC, today indispensable to all those companies that adhere to the quality standards ISO 9000-EN 29000.
Product Features:
- The CATRIM has a nickel-plated steel frame with high stability and durability, while the Plan is in Diabase Feedback (Black granite).
- The Software is fully developed, updated and customized by highly skilled technicians.
- The Guides pneumo-statically supported are equipped with a new system to Self Stabilyzing Air Bearings.
- The load-bearing support structure is made of steel tubes and is equipped with leveling Floor Registers in Diabase and feet are adjustable for leveling the ground.
- The fairing is stylized and panels are in painted sheet metal.
- Lines Optics thousandth of the three axes are at high resolution.
- The head is of the type in Standard TC2 “Touch Trigger.
- The movement of the 3 coordinate axes (XYZ) is handled by the latest generation of Linear Motors.